Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Our committment to cheese

The Cathedral is very committed to cheese. Select quantities of impressive cheeses are fed to worshippers at regular intervals; the Director of music survives entirely on Bach and brie; the Administrator has been poisoned when a jealous lover spiked his morning coffee with a feral Stilton.

The link below is an entirely spurious personality test based on cheese preferences. God help you if you come out as Colby.

1 comment:

Dave Walker said...

Hi there. The blog looks really promising. I'd link to you, but I'm concerned about your wellbeing if you're found out.

In my experience you need to either:
1) Be really clever in changing lots of details. Really hard to do in the long run.
2) Not ever post anything remotely critical of anyone / anything that goes on. Again - really difficult to do.
3) Get permission (which you may have done, I don't know).

I'm happy to give my reasoning. Get in touch if you'd like to discuss it.